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Substance use disorder (SUD) is an umbrella term that encapsulates opioid use disorder (OUD), stimulant use disorder, and other addictions. In recent years, we have seen a significant increase in the number of people living with OUD and in overdoses related to OUD, including fentanyl. Each person’s experience with SUD is unique. Whether you are looking for resources for yourself or want to learn how to support someone close to you, there are many ways to get help. 

For You

Finding Treatment

Find facilities and providers for substance use disorder treatment, mental health treatment, housing and more.

Access Naloxone

Naloxone is a medication designed to reverse an opioid overdose. Find out where you can get it and how to use it.

Opioid Treatment Program Directory

Find opioid treatment programs in Kentucky

How to Find the Right Treatment Center - Guide

Find facilities and providers for substance use disorder treatment, mental health treatment, housing and more.

Finding Treatment

Find facilities and providers for substance use disorder treatment, mental health treatment, housing and more.

Naloxone Training and Resources

Find facilities and providers for substance use disorder treatment, mental health treatment, housing and more.

For Providers

A Provider's Pathway to Supporting Patients with Substance Use Disorder

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Naloxone Access

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Drug Overdose Rates

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Downloadable Resources

Addiction Stigma Reduction Campaigns

Addiction stigma experienced by people with substance use disorders (SUD) is a powerful driver of our country's addiction crisis, leading to tens of thousands of preventable deaths each year. Stigma keeps many from seeking treatment, creates social isolation, and prevents the use of life saving medications. Our National Stigma Initiative is working to change that through state and local stigma reduction campaigns, based in community relationships and highlighting stories of people impacted by SUD.

What are Behavioral Therapies?

Behavioral Therapies include a range of treatment options to support an individual to develop skills and learn new strategies to help with difficult aspects of their life. Behavioral therapy may be in conjunction with other treatment options, such as Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD).

Clinical Treatment Models

There are several evidence-based approaches to treat substance use disorder (SUD). Different types of treatment are recommended based on frequency of use, types of substances, general health, and other factors. Treatment programs often begin with intensive services and transition to outpatient settings to maintain recovery.

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